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by (1.6k points)
Clickbank is a well-known network alliance for virtual products and a long-term stable source of income for me. I have shared many products I have made in my blog and courses. For example, woodworking drawings, battery reactivation, meditation audio, etc., these are all operated by myself. The main method is to build a niche website around these niches, build a listing mailing list with opt-in, and through YouTube leads to niche sites. As long as you can bring relevant traffic to these businesses, you can make money. Compared to other leagues, it is relatively easy to start. No matter what you do, the most important thing is traffic. How to drive traffic for products on clickbank? Here are a few commonly used and effective methods:

 First, let’s talk about how to find good products to promote. The easiest way is to follow clickbank’s market navigation.

 After entering affiliate markeplace, without any content in the search bar, click search and display all products, click "Sort Results by -> Popularity"

 Grav stands for Gravity. This score tells you how popular this product is. The higher the value, the more affiliates that promote this product and generate sales.

 Avg Sale will tell you how much you will get paid for an average sale. Some of these products will have upsale (upsale, the principle is very simple, you only want to buy a burger, the waiter at the counter suggests to you that you can get a glass of Coke for an additional two dollars!) Therefore, your actual commission may be more Many, here is an average.

 If you want to know what this product is, you can click on the link above, and then you can go to the Landing Page of the product. Now the video sales page is more popular. This is called VSL (Video Sales Letter-Video Sales Letter). Although some videos or landing pages look rough or crappy, believe me, these guys have gone through a lot of tests and they understand that this kind of page and video does work, especially Grav’s products, which means that many people are promoting it. And you can get conversions.

 1) Use Facebook to make money through Clickbank

 Facebook is the world's largest social networking site, with a lot of traffic, and many people promote a variety of products here. But, you know, most people are socializing on Facebook, not buying things. You can pay for advertising projects on Facebook, and you can definitely get clicks, but the key to getting conversions is not so easy. The risk is that you can easily burn your advertising funds even if there are no sales.

 Therefore, you need to know what types of advertisements can perform well on FB. For example, if you are promoting weight loss products, you know before you create an advertisement that you can target different weight loss interests and get the right target group. But this is just the basics. Because the current network is not ten years ago, users see a lot of advertisements every day, and there have been advertising blind spots. How can we attract and impress them? This is a job that requires creativity.

 Several key points to increase click-through rate:

 Surprising picture

 A bit sexy (but be careful, you must abide by the FB advertising policy)

 Pictures that convey the story

 Types of images that express scientific facts

 Inciting pictures


 The creative picture was designed by someone on fiverr.com and it looks very unique. It is not often seen on their facebook feed.

 The above two pictures both create an open loop (open loop). Your mind will immediately try to figure out what is going on. What kind of information or story are these images trying to convey?

 Creating these open loops is the key to creating successful advertising images and advertising copy.

 The title is: Don’t Eat Another Meal Before Reading This...

 It’s also worth noting that facebook adsets are now a bit unpredictable, you can have two exact ads in 2 different ad sets, and they can be completely different.

 Like Facebook randomly selects different levels of audience, you don’t always get high-quality traffic. You may get a higher click-through rate but not a conversion. The trick is to test different ads even if you use the same ads.

 In addition to this kind of direct product promotion, there is another way to use FB advertisements to collect emails from relevant target groups, do opt-in, and then gradually convert cold traffic into warm traffic, promote CB products or other product.

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asked Sep 22, 2021 by Wangyushier (120 points)